Saturday, February 20, 2010

Size does matter


So, I'm reading this book:
Cover Image

I'm on a rather painful chapter. 
Why, you ask? 
Because it's talking about how important looks are to men. Although most of our wonderful decent men would never bring it up all on their own...or even admit it if we cornered them and interrogated them, the sad truth is that men are visual. We know that about them, right? Well...then wouldn't it make sense that if we've put on weight over the years that they have directly been affected? Not that they love us any less...but that they wish to high-heaven that we would at least make an effort. For them. 

Think you're off the hook because you're still the same size as you were when you were dating? 

It's more than just size, ladies.

I don't know how many times I've been guilty of wearing sweats all day and wearing no make-up. If I'm just staying at home, I see no point in "wasting" perfectly good make-up. 

How is it wasting it if I put it on for him?

Strike a chord with anyone other than me???

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