Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 8

I'm down
11 pounds!
That's almost how much weight I lost in
three months
with Weight Watchers!

Weight Watcher's is a great program and it
strives to promote
healthy eating...
but I would save my points so that I could
eat whatever I wanted.
Blizzards, crackers, ice cream...
all of the yummy but
foods that I crave.

Some people are not proponants of HCG.
In some way I can understand their concern.
But, I'm looking at this as more of a fast
and a cleanse than a diet.
My focus for the last
few years has been on two things:
1. food (obviously)
2. myself

I want to cleanse my body of all of the
terrible junk I have craved for so long.
I want to go to the LORD for my problems,
rather than running to the kitchen.

I want to be who he created me to be--
with a healthy body that is able to
serve and to grow.

I want to leave a leagacy for my kids
that doesn't involve diabetes or heart disease.

Getting there,
one step at a time.

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